Sunday, November 22, 2009

Team Edward

So on Thursday night I went to watch Twilight and then a midnight showing of New Moon. it was really cool! Really fun to go there with Linnea and such an awesome atmosphere. I thought it was funny that there were barely any guys there, it is way more love story that anything to do with vampires and werewolves.
I really enjoyed the movie. It went so fast though. I really want to see it again. I also can't decide whether I enjoyed it more than the first one or not... I think it is kind of like Harry Potter in a way. There is so much detail in the books that there kind of isn't enough room in the movie for it all.
When Jacob came on the screen with his shirt off I was extremly impressed. He is damn sexy. I am still all about Edward though. That is more in relation to books though and the fact that I think I prefer kind of skinny not super toned guys anyway. But I wouldn't mind snuggling up with Jacob :)
I loved seeing Dakota Fanning. She didn't need to do much but I have always been a fan of hers.
At the premier they were giving out movie related merchandise by sit no. and I was 39 and the girl who got the CD was 38. That sucked.
In other news school is going fine. I am trying really hard not to let going home get to me and instead just enjoy the rest of my year. it is hard though.
I met Kristofer's grandparents on Friday night. That was funny. I liked them though. I love everything about Kristofer's family.
Oh I went to Gävle last Wednesday and I got this gorgeous scarf thing, a plain white long-sleeve and a blazer. It is really cool. I have wanted one for a while. it was still hard paying $100 for it but that is the best price out there.
Ooh and I have started watching Sabrina the teenage witch, I love it!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun.

It has been a week since I wrote right? I like how every week at school is never normal. Never a week goes by where we have all the classes we are suppose to have. Definitly makes the day a bit more exciting. I can't remember really anything happening last week... except on Friday I went to Torpshammer! It was a reaaalllly good weekend away.
We were staying in a hostel right next to Boda borg, my district and the up north district plus four newbies. it was real sweet, especially to see Georgia and Stefano etc. I love that girl so much! We have such a good time together. Plus I can tell her anything.
Boda borg was so cool as well. I am sore though. If you have no idea what I am talking about google it. It is reeeaaaallly cool.
Got back on Sunday and was so tired. Dead.
Today I did my talk about how dogs are better than cats, it went down pretty darn good :)

Wow got nothing more to say...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Never enough tv.

So I am addicted to watching tv on the internet. It isn't the fact that it is the internet it is just the fat that I can watch a whole series very fast. For example on Thursday Glee is starting on Swedish television and what do you know, I have already watched the first eight episodes. I am also at the same point of gossip girl as America is. My new addiction is One Tree Hill. I use to really not be fond of this show as nowdays it is based on adults and not teenages which is what I prefer but bam I was watching it with Alex and now I am hooked. Disgusting I know. I think I will start on Charmed next...
So anyway had a pretty chilled Helg. Friday was really nice at Sofia's birthday. I LOVE that family. It is basically my own really. I feel such a part of it, I mean I must be comfortable if I can tease his dad. The Grandma was so cute as well. 81 I think and still going strong.
Saturday and Sunday were just at home days, it is nice to just chill with my host parents. They are really nice people.
We went out to dinner on Sunday night to celebrate Fars dag, that was sweet as.
Jul is going to be sweeeet.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pain = gain.

So as I said i got the flu vaccination but what do you know, middle of the night I am freezing (I should have listened to Kristofer teeling me to get another blanket) and so sick. Getting up in the morning was beyond painful. Especially my arm. It is still a bit tender now actually. But yeah it was bad. i ended up sitting in the shower, my body just felt so heavy. Not cool at all. Plus I thought I was going to throw up and my head was spinning. Great fun. Weirdly though by dinner time I was fine! It was so weird. But they did say it would happen I just didn't realise it would be that bad.
Oh well now I will survive the next round of this flu if it hits again. Mum said I am the only person she knows who has got it. In NZ it is only health workers etc. that are getting it. Looks like i will be Prime Minster if NZ dies out then. Touch wood.
So the main thought on my mind everyday is pretty much that I am going home. It is soo scary. I get all emotional and don't really breathe properly when I think about it. Not cool at all. I want both my lives together!
I am writing this while waiting to go out and then wait for the bus. I hate waiting for the bus. But then again I love the bus. Actually if i think about it I walked to school nearly everyday in NZ and now I can't do it. I mean it was only a little bit but it would have some effect. No wonder I have gained so much. Oh yay. Not like I will be giving up the cake any time soon though.
Speaking of cake I will be eating some tonight, I am going to Sofia's family birthday celebration. Man I LOVE that girl and that family. I am sooo glad I am a part of it. I can't even imagine what saying goodbye to them will be like. Ugh.
So yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sofia! I am off to buy her gift now :) fffuuun.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Swine flu free.

Today I was vaccinated against the so called Swine Flu which has been a widely disscussed topic these past couple of days. I actually didn't spend that long thinking whether or not I would get it done it was more a what the hell it is free and who wants to get the flu anyway. Another reason as I have never had any sort of flu so why start now. I don't understand why people are freaking out so much about it, they would never give it to us if it was going to cause us to be handicapped and only be able to talk when running (some crazy youtube video.) But anyway I am happy with my decision. And I totally do not mind if the side effects cause me to take a day off school. So be it.
I have been thinking a bit lately about how I am possibly going to get everything back to NZ. It is going to be an extreme mission and there are so many things that I must take! I think this weekend I will take the time to go through and get rid of some stuff. Shoes in particular cause they take up a lot of space.
I had a horrible dream last night, I even had to get up, turn on my light and check round the room including under my bed just to try and calm myself down. Not fun waking up at 3.45 when you have to get up for school at 6.15. And getting up at 6 is horrible because it is still flipping dark outside and now as I write this it is 4.45 and it so dark outside. It is so weird. i am guessing it is going to be seriously dark on Christmas day! That will be extremely unusual.
Oh my that's what I was going to mention hahaha this is funny. There is so insane person on the internet who has started a website saying she will cook up her cat fluffy if Miley Cyrus doesn't bring back her twitter. What has the world come to?